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F-100 土业园地 (第 100 期) 2011.5.16
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 100 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei May 16, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
My Overall Planning
    1 ) 、成立中国土业总公司,对全国性的人造土壤、人造耕地、发展种植业等重大问题研究对策、做决策,领导新技术的研究和筹集资金。总公司下设三个公司,起主要任务是完成设计与施工,各公司均进行独立的经济核算。
    2 ) 、成立中国人造土壤学会,是总公司的参谋部门和咨询机构,是本部门对外文化技术交流的窗口。
    3 ) 、建立中国人造土壤基金会,代表总公司发行股票,吸纳社会方方面面的资金,以确保人造土壤产业有强大的资金支持。
    4 ) 、积极发展有机农业生产,做到大投入高产出,确保资本的扩张与增值。实现 200 年造 20 亿亩耕地的目标。
    5 ) 、必须树立“廉洁奉公、勤俭节约和积极进取”的企业精神,与国家的发展和民族的复兴同呼吸共命运。 原文写于 2002.6.12 ( 参阅 R-05) 。
My Overall Planning
If my proposal to make artificial soil were accepted by the society and all my requirements were met, I would make the overall plan as follows.
1 、 Set up Chinese Soil Industry Corporation which will deal with the countermeasures against and decision making on important issues related to Chinese artificial soil, artificial cultivated land and the development of farming, leading the research into new technologies and raising funds. The corporation will have three sub companies, dealing with design and construction with each one of them responsible for its own economic accounting.
2 、 Establish Chinese Artificial Soil Society, which will be the consultancy and advisory body to the Corporation and the window for foreign cultural and technical exchanges.
3 、 Establish Chinese Artificial Soil Fund, representing the Corporation to issue stocks to absorb the funds from all walks of the society to ensure the capital support for the artificial soil industry.
4 、 Actively develop the organic agriculture to yield high output at high input and ensure the expansion and added value of the capital, realizing the target of 2 billion mu cultivated land in 200 years.
5 、 Establish the enterprise spirit of “ being honest and clean in performing one ' s official duties, being thrifty and frugal and proactive ” . Take the development of China and the prosperity of the Chinese people as our mission. The original paper was written on June 12, 2002 (refer to R-05).
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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