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F-101 土业园地 (第 101 期) 2011.5.23
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 101 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei May 23, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Superpower strategy
    大国之间的竞争,归根结底是经济实力的竞争,是综合国力的较量。与美、俄、印度和巴西相比,我国除了农业外,其它方面的发展势头与潜力都不算差。由于我们掌握了人造土壤技术,我们又有丰富的人力资源和荒原秃岭,这就等于我手中握有四颗重砝码,它们分别是:实现粮食自给率达到 100 % 以上、恢复自然生态环境、解决水资源短缺问题、提供数以亿计劳动力就业机会。在大国搏弈的天平上,这四颗重砝码具有举足轻重的意义。如果在中国盘上加上或者减去这四个重砝码,都会使天平向相反的方向倾斜。中国的前途和未来,取决于中国的战略家和决策者对人造土壤技术的认识程度,我的这个历史性的判断可以由未来的历史去证明。
    中华民族有 1 万年的农耕畜牧文明史,有 5000 年的国家史,在“华夷五方格局”的中华大地上,曾长期保持国内生产总值 (GDP) 占世界一半以上的优势。如今,我们再用 200 年的时间,把国内的事情办好,因此我还相信,我国国内生产总值占世界生产总值 51% 的日子迟早会到来,只有到那个时候,我们才会说我们的初步目标实现了。中国在历史上是一个爱好和平与邻为善的国家,我们提升国际竞争力的根本目的不是去欺负别人,而是不再受别人的欺负。 。
Superpower strategy
The competition among superpowers is after all the competition in terms of economic strength and the comprehensive national strength. Compared with the other countries, such as the US , Russia , India and Brazil , China is not inferior in terms of the development momentum and potential in all aspects except agriculture. Because we have gotten hold of the artificial soil technology and we are blessed with rich human resources and vast wildness and bald ridges, we are, in fact, getting hold of four heavy balancing weights in our hands. They are to realize the self-sufficiency rate in grain over 100%, to restore the natural ecological environment, to solve the water shortage problem and to provide job opportunities for hundreds of millions of people. In the battle among the superpowers, the four heavy balancing weights are of great importance. If China adds or eliminates the four weights, the balance will tilt to the opposite direction. The future of China will depend on the degree of recognition of AST by the strategists and decision-makers of China, which is a historic prediction that can be proved by future history.
The Chinese people has had a civilization of 10000 years in farming and animal husbandry and 5000 years being a nation. In history, our GDP had taken up over half of the world ' s total for a long time. At present, we can handle our national affairs by working hard for another 200 years. Therefore I believe that the days when our GDP takes up 51% of the world ' s total will come sooner or later. Only by then can we say that our preliminary targets have been met. In history, China is a peace-loving and good neighborly nation. We are improving the international competitiveness of our country for the purpose of no longer being bullied by others instead of bullying others .
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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