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F-102 土业园地 (第 102 期) 2011.5.30
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 102 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei May 30, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Strategic initiative
    现在有一个战略主动机会摆在我们面前,那就是“推广人造土壤技术和发展人造土壤产业”。据我的判断,这项技术全世界各国迟早都得应用,中国能首先应用就是抓住了战略主动机会。我们要抓住世界农业危机到来之前的有利时机,把中国子孙万代的吃饭问题解决了,我们就取得了战略主动。否则,只是看到眼皮底下的一些小利益,长期依赖进口解决国内粮食短缺,那终究是靠不住的,甚至会给我们的民族带来深重的灾难,我决不是杞人忧天,更不是危言耸听。类似中国的情况,世界各国都要陆续出现,下一个是印度, 50-100 年后, 美国是 200 年后,巴西是 300 年后,俄罗斯是 400 年后。我的这个预言,在中国有谁相信呢。如果你相信了,你就创造了世界吉尼斯记录。
Strategic initiative
What is strategic initiative? Briefly speaking, it means that you ' ve got to be the first one to have what the others have and understand what the others do. Be capable of doing what the others are not capable of. Be capable of making best use of one ' s advantages and bypassing one ' s disadvantages. Of course, everyone wants to be such a man, but often fails to do so due to various reasons. In most cases, the loss of strategic initiative opportunities leads to strategic passiveness, which is more obvious in the military. This is what the saying “ opportunity knocks but once ” means. The key here lies in the wisdom and courage of the strategists and decision makers.
Right now, there is a strategic initiative opportunity facing us, which is popularizing the artificial soil technology and developing the artificial soil industry. According to my judgment, the technology will be applied by the countries around the world sooner or later. If China can make use of the technology first, then China will get hold of this strategic initiative opportunity. If we make use of the favorable opportunity before the arrival of the agricultural crisis in the world and solve the food problem for the coming generations in China, we can say that we will have taken the strategic initiative. On the contrary, if we are short-sighted and rely on imports to solve the grain shortage in China, the solution is not reliable and it may even bring about serious disasters to our Chinese nation. I am by no means unfounded. The other countries around the world will face the same situation as China one after another, India in 50-100 years, the US in 200 years, Brazil in 300 years and Russia in 400 years. Nobody in China believes my prediction right now. If you believe it, you will make a world Guinness record.
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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