土业园地 → 欢迎下载欣赏(更新时间:2014年6月19日)
F-103 土业园地 (第 103 期) 2011.6.6
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 103 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei June 6, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167

A Letter to One Academician
    G=P · A 式中: G - 我国的粮食产量
    P - 单位面积粮食产量
    A - 我国的耕地面积
    整个算式好比我国的农业, G 是一匹高头大马,等号如同车辕和车套, P 是马车的左轮, A 是马车的右轮,乘号是车轴和车箱。现在的问题是左轮 P 高大、粗壮和结实,而右轮 A 则是矮小、单薄和脆弱,这样一辆不匹配的马车怎么能跑起来呢?于是我国就产生了许多严重的社会问题,如“三农”问题、粮食安全问题及劳动就业问题等等。人造土壤技术就是专门为解决 A 的问题而产生的,我有足够的把握使 A 变得如同 P 那样高大、粗壮和结实。
    ( 以下的内容省略,请参阅 R-10)
李鹏飞 2004 年5 月12 日 于辽宁盘锦
A Letter to One Academician
Dear Sir,
I will first present to you a simple formula:
G = P · A
Where G : China ' s grain output;
P : Grain yield per unit area;
A : China ' s cultivated land area.
China ' s agriculture is like the formula. G is like a tall horse , the equal sign is like the shaft, P is like the left wheel and A is like the right wheel. At present, the problem is that the left wheel P is tall, strong and robust while the right wheel A is short, weak and fragile. How can such a cart run fast and steadily? So there have been many serious social problems in China , such as the “ three rural issues ” , grain security issue and employment issue, etc. The artificial soil technology has been developed to solve the problems associated with A . I am confident that I am able to make A as tall, strong and robust as P .
(The following content is omitted here and refer R-10.)
Best regards!
Li Pengfei May 12 th , 2004 Panjin , Liaoning
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