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F-107 土业园地 (第 107 期) 2011.7.4
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 107 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei July 4, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
We need to stand higher and see further
    中国有两句老话“没有远虑,必有近忧”和“防患于未然”。作为社会,它是由各个阶层﹙阶级﹚和各种人群以及无数的个体组成的。作为统一整体的社会,它的基本结构和基本形态如同一个金字塔,有高端和底层之分。一般地说,普通的老百姓,它每天接触的是柴米油盐酱醋茶,它对待事物采取“眼见为实,耳听为虚”的态度,这是正常的也是正确的。而处在高端位置的人物,它对待事物必须采取“没有远虑,必有近忧” 和“防患于未然”的态度,否则会给整个社会带来被动和损失。
    大家千万别以为我是在拿“粮食武器”吓唬人,我们不要白白地浪费这 20 年大好时光,错过天时地利人和的良机。否则,当“粮食武器”真的来了,我们一时又拿不出什么好的办法去应对。使我们的国家蒙受损失,使我们的人民遭受苦难,要是到了那个地步,可就为时太晚了。
We need to stand higher and see further
In China, there are two old sayings, one is “ If a man does not think about what is distant, he will find sorrow at hand ” and the other is “ prevention is better than cure ” . As a society, it is made up of different classes, groups of people and numerous individuals. As a unified whole society, its basic structure and basic form are like a pyramid, having both top end and bottom layer. Generally speaking, the common people are troubled with daily necessities, so they regard things as they are by taking the attitude of “ words are but wind and seeing is believing ” , which is normal and all right. However, the people at the top end should take the attitude of “ If a man does not think about what is distant, he will find sorrow at hand ” and “ prevention is better than cure ” , otherwise the whole society will become passive and suffer loss.
Please do not think that I am threatening you by using gain as a weapon. Let ' s not waste the golden 20 years and miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Otherwise, when grain is used as a weapon and we can not figure out good countermeasures in a short time, then our nation will suffer loss, our people will suffer misery. By then, it would be too late for us to regret.
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