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F-111 土业园地 (第 111 期) 2011.8.1
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 111 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei August 1, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Third piece of information from China Daily:How do experts take GM crops
    中国农科院院长翟虎渠说:“做好转基因技术的准备工作,对国家是很必要的。由于气候变化,带来更多的不确定性,中国急需开发自己的抗旱农作物品种,包括常规的和转基因的产品”。袁隆平院士警告说,某些转基因农作物,特别是抗虫害品种,至少需要一代或两代人吃做试验,因为它们对人类健康产生的后果仍然是不清楚的。根据设在华中农业大学的农作物基因改进国家重点实验室的一位发言人,该 BT 蛋白质只对稻茎螟虫、黄稻螟虫,卷叶和鳞翅目昆虫有杀伤作用,并且不会威胁人类健康。另外,张齐发 ( 音译 ) ,一位基地设在华中农业答大学的科学家,他开发出已经被批准的 转基因水稻,今年早些时候吃了稻田生长的转基因大米以证明食用是安全的。
Third piece of information from China Daily:How do experts take GM crops
Zhai Huqu, President of the Chinese Academy of Agriculture, said : Making technical preparations for transgenic technology is very necessary for our nation. As the climate is bringing more uncertainties, it ' s urgent for China to move quickly to develop its own anti-drought varieties, both conventional and GM products. Yuan Longping, an academician, has warned that some GM crops, particularly the anti-insect strains, need human trials over at least one or two generations, as their health implications remain unclear. According to a spokesman for the National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement at Huazhong Agricultural University , the BT protein only works on the rice stem borer, leaf roller and other Lepidoptera pests, and poses no threat to humans. In addition, Zhang Qifa, a scientist at Wuhan-based Huazhong Agricultural University , who developed certified GM rice, ate field GM rice to demonstrate his confidence in the safety of such foods.
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