土业园地 → 欢迎下载欣赏(更新时间:2014年6月19日)
F-114 土业园地 (第 114 期) 2011.8.22
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 114 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei August 22, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
First quotation from me
    我说:中国的科学家拿不出什么好办法解决中国的粮食自给问题。或者我问:中国科学院、中国工程院、中国社会科学院、中国农业科学院、各省与自治区农科院、中国农业大学及其它 60 余所农业院校的院士和学部委员、首席科学家和学科带头人、名教授和著名的专家学者,你们有什么好办法,包括研发转基因农作物在内,使我国的粮食自给率达到 100 ﹪以上,把我国的粮食生产能力提高到 10 亿吨、 15 亿吨、甚至 20 亿吨以上?
    我敢说,在中国没有一个科学家敢站出来说:他能做到。 在中国,每年出的科研成果,每年申请的专利在全世界名列前茅,难道粮食自给问题不重要,不值得中国的科学家去研究吗。不是的,是因为他们的思路不对,紧紧地被“土地资源是有限的”传统观念束缚,解决不了。对于我的发问,他们也是无言以对,表面上看上去他们是不理睬我。
First quotation from me
Here my question is : What method do they have to make Chinese degree of self-sufficiency in grain above 100 ﹪ and our grain yield will reach 1 billion tons or 1.5 billion tons or 2 billion tons? By “ they ” , I mean the academicians and members of academia sinica, chief scientists and discipline leaders, famous professors, experts and scholars who belongs to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Agriculture, the Chinese Academy of Agriculture of the Provinces and Autonomous Regions in China, China Agriculture University and other more than 60 agricultural universities or institutes or colleges.
I dare to say that none of them can stand up and say “ I can make it ” . China is in the leading place in the world in terms of scientific achievements and applied patents every year. Is the self sufficiency of food important? Is it worth studying by our scientists? Of course yes, but they are not heading in the right direction. They are restricted by the traditional concept that “ land resources are limited ” . They are not able to make any remarks on my questions, I believe, though they seem indifferent to me.
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