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F-115 土业园地 (第 115 期) 2011.8.29
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 115 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei August 29, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167

Second quotation from me
    我说:中国的科学家要有勇气正视中国的农业现实,中国人吃饭的问题,远远没有解决,仅仅依靠高产种子,包括 GM 农作物在内,而不解决土地资源问题,不肯下大力气,那是不行的。
    在这里,我援引 3 则电视节目。 2005.9.21 CCTV 《新闻会客厅》,由沈冰主持,我国的徐匡迪院士与美国的莱斯特·布朗先生进行对话。徐匡迪院士谈了三点: 1 、我国的人均耕地有 1 亩多,而世界公认的人均耕地底线是 0.8 亩; 2 、我国有足够的外汇储备,可以买下美国几年的粮食产量; 3 、我国的粮食单产可以再提高。在此次对话中,布朗先生对中国粮食不能自给,表现出比中国人更加焦虑的心情。 2007.10.6 CCTV 《大家》,由曲向东主持,专访中科院院士李振声。李院士说,在 2006 年的博螯亚洲论坛上,他发表了《中国人自己养活自己》的文章,与布朗先生的观点完全不同。他解释说,布朗先生把中国人多算了 1 / 3 ,把中国的粮食产量少算了 1 / 3 ,还没有考虑到科技进步。第三则是,袁隆平院士经常在电视节目中出现,他的基本观点是,应用杂交水稻后增产的粮食可以多养活多少人。袁隆平院士的这个观点相当客观,在中国已经得到证实,在非洲、印度、美国和其它地区也将得到证实,而前两位院士的说法都是不可取的。
Second quotation from me
I want to say that the Chinese scientists should have the courage to face the agriculture reality in China . The food problem of the Chinese has been far away from being solved. It won ' t be solved by relying on high yield seeds, including GM crops instead of making great efforts in solving the land resource problem.
I am going to present three TV programs here. On Sept. 21, 2005, our academician Mr. Xu Kuangdi and Mr. Lester Brown from America had a dialogue in the CCTV program “ News Room ” hosted by Shen Bing. Mr. Xu talked about three points. First, our per capita arable land is about 1 mu while the world recognized bottom line of per capita arable land is 0.8 mu. Second, we have enough foreign exchange reserves to buy the grain produced in America in several years. Third, China ' s unit grain yield can be further improved. During that dialogue, Mr. Brown showed more anxiety over the situation of no self sufficiency in grain in China than our Chinese. On Oct. 6, 2007, Mr. Li Zhensheng, one academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences was interviewed exclusively by Qu Xiangdong, the host of the CCTV program “ Great Master ” . Mr. Li said he published his article titled “ The Chinese will feed ourselves ” in the Boao Forum for Asia in 2006, in which he held a different view from Mr. Brown. He explained that the Chinese population was increased by 1/3 and the grain yield was reduced by 1/3 according to Mr. Brown ' s calculation, and scientific progresses were not taken into consideration yet. Academician Mr. Yuan Longping often appeared on TV programs and his basic opinion is that the increased grain production by using hybrid rice could feed quite a number of people. His opinion is quite objective and it has been proved in China as well as in Africa, India, America and some other areas while the other two academicians ' claims are not acceptable.
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