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F-117 土业园地 (第 117 期) 2011.9.12
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 117 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei September 12, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Fourth quotation from me
    我从 2001 年开始做人造土壤技术室内试验以来到现在, 一直在做关于人造土壤技术的宣传工作,包括向社会发出 220 封求助信,给中国 18 家主流媒体 2 次投稿,于 2009.6.22 我创办了自己的网站《土业园地》 , 每周一期,已经完成 100 多期。这些年来,随着我的研究不断深入,学术观点自成体系并形成了完整的土业学术思想和创立了土业学派 ( 可惜,该 学派目前只有我一人 ) 。但是,我的所有努力 都不见什么效果, 10 年来我一事无成,大家都不理睬我,这又是为什么?
    1 ) 、他们人多势众,在中国称得上科学家的暂定为 100 万,他们中大概没有一位赞成我的《土地资源不是有限的》观点,数量之比是 100 万︰ 1
    2 ) 、中国的科学家群体已经形成一个完整的体系并有明确的分工,在经济利益上相互依存。普通的中国老百姓对他们的活动是针插不进,水泼不进。
    3 ) 、最重要的是,他们一经理睬了我,就等于给我一个宣传《土地资源不是有限的》平台,在这场学术争论中,我肯定是胜利者,《土地资源是有限的》学术观点必然要被抛弃。
Fourth quotation from me
I want to say that the scientists in China do not dare to take me seriously rather than ignore me.
Since my indoor experiment on the artificial soil technology started in 2001, I have been trying to let the world know about the technology and I have sent out 220 letters to the society and contributed articles twice to 18 mainstream media in China. On June 22, 2009, my own website “ Field for Artificial Soil Technology ” was set up, to which I have contributed one article per week, totaling more than 100 issues so far. Through all these years, with the deepening of my research, my academic idea has developed into one system and a complete soil academic philosophy has been formed and a soil school has been established ( unfortunately, I am the only member in the school at the moment). However, all my hard work has achieved nothing over the past ten years. Nobody takes me seriously? Why?
I have come to understand the reasons at last. There are three of them.
1 ) They are the majority with more power. Suppose there are one million scientists in China, none of them is in favor of my opinion that “ land resources are not limited ” . The ratio of numbers is one million: one.
2 ) The scientist groups in China have developed into a complete system with clear division of responsibilities among them and they are interdependent in terms of economic interests. The common folks in China can not interfere with their activities at all.
3 ) Most importantly, once they pay attention to me, I will be a winner in the academic debate on whether “ land resources are limited ” and the academic idea of “ land resources are limited ” will be discarded.
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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