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F-118 土业园地 (第 118 期) 2011.9.19
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 118 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei September 19, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Fifth quotation from me
    中国成为发明人造土壤技术的故乡,那是历史的必然,是科学技术发展的必然。在这样的历史和现实的背景下 , 即使不是我,也得有另外一个中国人站出来扛起这面大旗。这是一项历史责任,彻底地解决中国人民及其子孙后代吃饭的重任,就历史性地落在人造土壤技术的肩上了。人类发展的历史将证明,是中国人将把世界带入一个全新的时代,这是我们民族的骄傲和光荣,如同北京猿人发明“人工取火”和我们的先民 1 万年前在长江沿岸种植水稻一样,具有划时代的意义。至于我自己,我只是一个普通的中国老百姓,我只不过是比别人早看出问题 20 年,而中国却是领先世界 200 年,开创了人类历史的土业时代。
Fifth quotation from me
I want to say that another Chinese would stand up and carry the banner if it were not me.
China has become the home of inventing the artificial soil technology, which is inevitable in terms of history and scientific development. Against such historic and realistic background, if it were not I, another Chinese would stand up and carry the banner. This is a historic responsibility which will completely solve the food problem for the Chinese people and their descendents. History will prove that Chinese will bring the world into a new era. This is the pride and glory of our Chinese. It is as important as the Peking man making fire and our ancestors planting rice along the Yangtze River 10,000 years ago. As for myself, I am an ordinary Chinese. I only discovered the big problem 20 years earlier than the others while China would lead the world for 200 years by creating the soil age of human history.
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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