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F-119 土业园地 (第 119 期) 2011.9.26
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 119 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei September 26, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Sixth quotation from me
    我希望能与主流学派展开学术交流。在中国需要有一场关于《土地资源是不是有限的》学术论战。中国的科学家,中国的专家学者,中国的上层社会,必须抛弃传统的、居于主导地位的、似乎是天经地义的《土地资源是有限的》观念。否则,中国的任何重大问题,例如上述的 4 大问题,都不可能得到真正彻底的解决。在这里我可以坦言,按照中科院《创新 2050 :科技革命与中国的未来》的思路,到 2050 年,中国的 4 大问题,依然是 4 大问题,甚至比现在还要严重。为此,我们付出的代价却是 40 年的大好时光和无法估量的人力、物力和资金投入。反之,在我看来,如果应用人造土壤技术,中国 4 大问题中的前 3 个可以彻底解决,同时至少能提供 2 亿个劳动力就业机会,而这些还只是人造土壤技术所能解决问题的冰山一角。说到这里,您可能会认为,我是在吹牛吧,我可以严肃而负责任地回答:“不,一点也不”。如果您登录我的网站,读一读我写的文章,任何人可能提出的任何重大问题都能找到相应的答案。
Sixth quotation from me
I want to say that there should be an academic debate on whether “ land resources are limited ” .
I wish to exchange my academic idea with the mainstream school. There should be an academic debate on whether “ land resources are limited ” . The Chinese scientists, experts, scholars and the upper class must abandon the traditional, dominant and seemingly justified concept of “ land resources are limited ” . Otherwise, any important issues in China, for example, the four problems mentioned above can not be completely resolved. I can say frankly that the four problems of China would still exist or become even more serious in 2050 if the concept in “ Innovation 2050: Scientific revolution and China ' s future ” by Chinese Academy of Sciences is followed. We would have wasted 40 years of golden time and incalculable human, material and capital investment. On the contrary, with the artificial soil technology, three problems out of the four in China will be resolved completely. At the same time, at least job opportunities will be provided to 0.2 billion people. What the artificial soil technology can do is far more than these. Hearing these, you may think I am bragging. I can tell you seriously and in a responsible manner that I am not. If you log in my website and read my articles, you may find the corresponding answers to any problems.

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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