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F-120 土业园地 (第 120 期) 2011.10.3
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 120 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei October 3, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Seventh quotation from me
    德国哲学家黑格尔说过,“凡是存在的都是合理的,凡是合理的都是现实的”, 这后半句恩格斯解释为,“凡是现存的都是要毁灭的”。现在,大家不赞成我的学术观点,不理睬我的求助信,不肯帮助我做试验。既然这些都是客观存在,当然它们都是合理的。“土地资源是有限的”也是客观存在,当然它也是合理的。辩证法的真谛是讲事物的发展运动规律。任何事物高潮之后,如同老庄哲学所言“物极必反”,一定要被新的事物所代替。也许这是天意,苍天知道我的学术观点还很嫩,经不起遮天盖地的批评,暗暗地在保护我,给我时间,让我完善我的学术思想体系,故不叫大家来打搅我,当客观条件成熟时,再让我出山。到那时再没有什么人能够与我抗衡了,一切都会变得非常顺利。
    我所说的“人造土壤技术”和“土业时代”,它是一个具体事物,它应该遵守事物发展的客观规律。我曾多次说过,人造土壤技术现在很弱小,被人看不起, 20 年后情况将发生根本的变化,这项技术肯定会受到有关部门的重视。读者从国家统计局公布的数字可以看出, 2010 年我国生产钢材 7.97 亿吨,水泥 18.8 亿吨,房地产业投资 5.75 万亿元,本年度购置土地面积 40970 万平方米 ( 合 60.5 万亩 ) ,可见 房地产业已经成为我国的第一大行业。 2011 年房地产业要有更大的发展, 别人告诉我, CCTV 报道说,今年 需要占用土地 1600 万亩。照这样发展下去,到 2020 年,我国的耕地还能保住 18 亿亩吗,中国的人口还要增加到 15 亿,中国老百姓的吃饭问题又会变成什么样。任何人,不管他是谁,不管他是否愿意,到那个时候不用我说,他就会前来找我,因为大家都是受客观规律的支配。
Seventh quotation from me
I want to say that the objective laws of the development of things must be respected.
The German philosopher, Hegel once said, “ All that is real is rational; and all that is rational is real ” and the later half was interpreted by Engels as “ All that is existing is due to perish ” . At present, nobody agrees on my academic idea, or pays any attention to my letters or helps me do the tests. This is real, so it is rational. It is also a fact that “ land resources are limited ” , so it is also rational. The essence of dialectics lies in respecting the development pattern of things. Once the peak is reached, any thing would turn to its opposite and would be replaced by a new thing as the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi has indicated. Maybe everything has been arranged by God who knows that my academic idea is still quite immature, not able to withstand the overwhelming criticism, so he is protecting me by allowing me more time to perfect my academic idea system and preventing me from being disturbed by others. When the objective conditions are mature, he will let me present myself. By then, nobody is able to compete with me and things will become easy.
What I call “ artificial soil technology ” and “ soil age ” is something concrete and therefore it should follow the objective laws of the development of things. I have said several times that the artificial soil technology is weak and looked down upon by others at present. But things will be different and it will be highly regarded by relevant departments in 20 years time. You may find from the figures published by the national statistic bureau that China produced 797 million tons of steel and 1.88 billion tons of cement in 2010. In the same year, the real estate investment reached ¥ 5.75 trillion, buying 409.7 million square meters of land (605,000mu), making the real estate industry the No. one industry in China. In 2011, the real estate industry will develop further. I was told that the land for real estate would amount to 16 million mu this year based on the report by CCTV. If things go on like this, can we maintain 1.8 billion mu cultivated land in 2020? Our population will increase to 1.5 billion. What would be the food situation like for the Chinese people? By then, someone would come to me in spite of his identify and willingness because we are dominated by the objective laws.
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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