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F-122 土业园地 (第 122 期) 2011.10.17
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 122 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei October 17, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Ninth quotation from me
    我说:我就是千里马,谁发现了我,谁就是伯乐。我给我的 13 亿同胞,人人都有做伯乐的机会。
    我的人造土壤技术,我的土业学术思想体系及我所创立的土业学派,必将成为中华科技文化思想宝库中重要的组成部分,现在它不是主流,它将会变成主流。我的学术思想体系有一个被社会发现和认可的过程,这个过程是需要由伯乐来完成。我创办了《土业园地》网站,网址: www.tuyelt.com ,它是了解我的学术观点的窗口。只要你登陆我的网站,你可以看到《人造土壤技术三套系列文献》,分别为专业人员、普通老百姓和中外国读者 ( 中英文对照 ) 提供阅读资料。 此外,我已经把《人造土壤技术三套系列文献 (2010 版 ) 》制成光盘。中外读者,谁希望得到它,只要你把地址告诉我,我都会免费寄送,每月至少 100 张,欢迎您与我联系。
    邮政编码: 124010 手机号码: 13043864167
    物以稀为贵,说也奇怪,我的学术观点诞生 10 年来,竞没有一个公开的支持者,也没有一个公开的反对者,不管我用什么样的语言试图“激怒”对方,对方就是不肯开口。稀少到我的学术观点和我所创立的土业学派,目前只有我一个人。如果你是一个文物收藏家,你能得到一张我早期制作的光盘 ( 注解 ) ,若干年后,也许你会成为百万富翁,因为那绝对是一件珍品,制作时我考虑到很多方面,别人很难仿造。
    注解: 《人造土壤技术讲座·原始版》, 2007.3.1 刻录光盘, 2007.3.4-5 手工制作,共 100 张,有编号并有我的手迹、签名和印章,甚至留下我的指纹。我于 2007.9.10 写信并寄给北京荣宝斋 2 张,编号是零玖玖和一佰整,并拜托荣宝斋将其中的 1 张转送给香港苏富比,作为事后光盘真伪鉴别之用。
Ninth quotation from me
I want to say that I am here waiting to be discovered by a good judge of ability. I am offering my 1.3 billion compatriots the opportunity to be the one who can find my ability and my academic idea.
My artificial soil technology together with my soil academic idea system and soil school will become an important part of the treasure house of Chinese culture and thought in science and technology. Right now it is not mainstream, but it will become mainstream. It will take some time for my academic idea system to be discovered and recognized by the society and the task will be accomplished by a good judge of ability.
I created the website for “ Field for AST ” at www.tuyelt.com, where you can learn about my academic idea. If you log into the website, you can see three series of literature of AST, for specialists, common folks and overseas readers. Besides, I have made the three series of literature of AST into a disk. Whoever wants to have a copy of the disk, I will send you one for free if you let me know your address. At least 100 disks are available each month.
You are welcome to contact with me.
Address : Retirees' Office of Research Institute of Exploration and Development of Liaohe Oilfield Liaoning Province, P.R.China
Postcode : 124010
Mobile Telephone Number : 13043864167
“ Less is more ” . It is strange that there has never been an open advocator over the past ten years since my academic idea was born. Nor there has been an open opponent no matter what kind of language I would use to “ provoke ” the others. Right now, I am the only one in the soil school. If you are a collector of artifacts, you can get one of the early CDs made by me (see note). You may become a millionaire in some years because it is absolutely a treasure. I have taken many measures in making the CDs to prevent counterfeits.
Note: “ Lectures on AST · Original Edition ” was copied into a CD on March 1st, 2007 and 100 disks were made manually on March 4-5, 2007 and I left serial numbers, my handwriting, signature, seal and even fingerprints on them. I wrote a letter and sent two disks among them (numbered 099 and 100) to Rongbaozhai in Beijing on Sept. 10, 2007 and asked them to transfer one of the CDs to Sotheby's Hong Kong to be used as authenticity identification in the future.
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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