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F-125 土业园地 (第 125 期) 2011.11.7
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 125 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei November 7, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Second letter to president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Text-A
    1 、它是一个具有世界水平的科技发展路线图,完全可以与欧、美、日本等发达国家的类似的路线图相媲美。
    2 、这个路线图脱离了中国的国情与现实。当今的中国有 4 大问题 ( 即粮食自给问题、环境问题、水资源短缺问题、数以亿计的劳动力就业问题 ) 必须压倒性地放在一切长期战略研究的首位,应该排在一切“体系”、“系统”之前。实际上,我国的四大问题不解决,什么“体系”、“系统”也建立不起来,即使建立起来也是虚的,没有什么实际意义。
    3 、看来路线图的编写人心里也没有太多把握,否则怎么会每 5 年要修订一次。
    作为一个普通的中国老百姓,我于 2009.6.22 创立了《土业园地》网站﹙网址: www.tuyelt.com ﹚用中、英两种文字向全中国和全世界宣传我的学术主张和解决中国问题的办法。我把中科院称作主流学派的代表,我代表土业学派 ( 可惜,该学派目前只有我一个人 ) 。
Second letter to president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Text-A
After reading the report, I had the following impressions.
1 、 It is a world class science and technology development roadmap, fully capable of competing with those of the developed countries, such as Europe, America and Japan.
2 、 This roadmap ignores the national situation and reality of China. At present, China has four big problems (i.e. self sufficiency in grain, environmental issue, water shortage and employment for hundreds of millions of people) and they should be overwhelmingly on top of the long term strategic research, and all “ systems ” . In fact, no “ system ” can be set up if the four problems are not solved. Even if a “ system ” is set up, it is of no practical significance.
3 、 It seems to me that the compilers of the roadmap were not sure of themselves; otherwise it would be unnecessary to revise it every five years.
As an ordinary Chinese, I set up the website “ Field for AST ” on June 22, 2009 (www.tuyelt.com ) in both Chinese and English to introduce my academic idea and my solutions to the Chinese problems to China and the world. I call the Chinese Academy of Sciences the representative of the mainstream school and I represent the soil school (unfortunately, I am the only one in the school right now).
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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