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F-012 土业园地 (第012期) 2009.9.7
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№012)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei September 7, 2009
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Soil Age and the sixth invention


Soil age and the sixth invention

I think that the artificial soil technology should be called the sixth invention which is juxtaposed with the five world inventions.
The industrial revolution have brought about unprecedented great civilization and the progress has also brought about unprecedented large calamity and destruction to human beings and the nature .For examples :A lot of great area of Selva (or tropical rainforest)disappears from the Earth. A lot of species of animal and plant become extinct .Environmental pollution and climate unusualness result in natural disaster happening frequently .Malignant tumors and AIDS and hepatitis and bird flu and so on make surprise attacks on the human being's health. Ozonosphere of the atmosphere is devoid of content .The climate becomes warmer .Continent glacier fades away. So these result in the sea level rising .Drought, desertification ,desert enlarging, grassland degeneration, soil erosion, red alga growth greatly and frequently in the sea, flooding the land and so on were to be had on the Earth .People see them already as a common occurrence and have no way out .All these are not individual phenomenon, but the inevitable results of the industrial revolution .These problems have to leave Soil Age to solve .Since human beings have enough energy to destroy the Earth, they also have enough ability for renovating the Earth.
Using artificial soil technology, 8 big favorable circulation systems will be formed naturally. They are favorable circulation of organic matter, favorable circulation of water, favorable circulation of carbon dioxide, favorable circulation of biological chain, favorable circulation of biological energy, favorable circulation of man’s life between city and countryside, favorable circulation of social production and social life as well as favorable circulation of human society and natural world.
Appearance of Artificial Soil Technology is inevitable during the process of human beings' history .This great tide of human history may not be resisted.

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