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F-129 土业园地 (第 129 期) 2011.12.5
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 129 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei December 5, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
A Letter to HP Director:Reason
    背景 : 2010 年 12 月 19 日 ,中央电视台播放了主持人桑晨访问你的录象,你的 “ 高调做慈善 , 低调做人 ”理念 , 深深地感动了我。后来我在网上又查阅了多家媒体有关你和你们公司的报道,我对你的 理念和所为完全理解。我是辽河油田一名退休职工。 1940 年 7 月生于吉林省榆树县的一个农村, 1964 年毕业于北京石油学院勘探系。 2001 年下半年至 2002 年上半年, 我做了一个称之为“人造土壤”的室内试验 ( 称作小试 ) 。该试验是在人工(工厂)条件下,模拟自然界土壤形成的过程,把造土所用的无机和有机原料,在短期内制成具有一定蓄水、蓄热、透气、肥力,达到植物生长所需基本条件的人造土壤。室内植物种植试验表明,用这种人造土壤种植的小麦,生长状况良好,根、茎、叶发育正常,均已秀穗结籽,与同期用天然土壤种植的小麦没有区别,这标志着试验获得成功。
    接下来,我应该做 人造土壤技术中间试验 ( 称作中试 ) ,即在野外条件下做大面积的现场试验 ( 至少 2 亩 ) , 它是承先启后至关重要的一个环节。在中试阶段可以做可行性研究,进行方案优选,测得各项经济技术参数,做出经济技术评价,为人造土壤技术的全面推广提供必要的技术准备和方案设计依据。其实,中间试验的基本思路和初步实施方案我也做好了,有 20 个方案供选择,但由于缺少资金只得中途停止,到现在一个也不能进行。为了寻求社会各界的帮助,为了获得资金支持,从 2002.6.14 至 2006.3.17 ,我共发出 220 封求助信,没有任何结果。 从 2004.4.19 至 2005.2.2 ,我分别给中国 18 家主流媒体 2 次投稿,至今无一家媒体采用,最好的结果是把我的稿件退回来。 2009.6.22 我创立了自己的网站《 土业园地 》( www.tuyelt.com ),到现在,我已经完成 80 期,用中、英文与社会各界人士进行学术交流,每周一期,但至今收效甚微。
    我给你写信的目的 :我是因为没有资金、设备和场地而不能做人造土壤技术中间试验的,我希望在你的帮助之下,人造 2 亩耕地,不要让我的研究半途而废,在我的暮年,了却这一人间心愿。
    我的具体想法 :人造 2 亩耕地的工程量如下:准备 1000 吨 100 目以下的建筑垃圾粉末﹙有害物质除外﹚,包括废弃的混凝土构件粉末,其中确保砖瓦陶瓷粉末 ( 这是上等的造土原料 ) 占有适当比例; 120 吨城市生活垃圾﹙有害物质除外﹚;选 2 亩山地作试验场地,需要整平,坡度在 10 度以内,除去一切残存的土壤和杂草树木,使岩石完全裸露。把生活垃圾中的塑料袋拣出来并制成防水材料,将生活垃圾中的非有机物分出来并研磨成粉末。人造耕地一定要在盛夏进行,其过程如下:在 2 亩试验场地上,砌成 4 个同样大小的方池,池高约 50 -60 厘米 ,其中最低的方池叫1 号池,向抬高的方向排列,分别为 2 号池、 3 号池、 4 号池。 1 号池四周围墙要做防水,其它 3 个方池只做简单的临时防水。接下来,向每个方池填入 50 吨已经准备好的建筑垃圾粉末垫底,耙平后填入 10 吨生活垃圾并耙平,这样的工作重复做两遍后,再向每个方池填入 50 吨粉末并且耙平。下一步,向每个方池内注入自来水或其它清洁水,直至饱和并排除所有空气为止。最后,用塑料布把每个方池的表面盖起来进行密封,使有机物在厌氧条件下进行发酵,变成腐殖质和腐殖酸以及其它可被植物吸收的营养,。大约半年之后,我们揭开塑料薄膜, 2 亩人造耕地就形成了。
    在人造耕地上进行田间劳动与普通耕地完全相同。 1 号池种水稻, 2 号池一半种小麦,另一半种玉米, 3 号池种大豆、小豆、绿豆、花生、土豆、白菜、萝卜、南瓜和大葱等蔬菜, 4 号池栽果树,如苹果、桃、李、杏、栽种松、榆、柳、槐幼苗,地面上种植优质牧草。
    在人造耕地上生产的农作物,全部作为我的食物,我食用半年之后进行身体检查,证明食用无害之后再给狗、鸡、兔、羊吃。动物食用 3 个月之后进行身体检查,证明食用无害之后再给志愿者吃。食用 3 个月之后进行身体检查,证明食用无害之后,我们向国家申报做食品安全鉴定。由农业部、卫生部、环保部、食品药品质量检疫部门组成专家评审团,进行全面的考核与鉴定。只有通过这道关卡,我们方可对人民说:在人造耕地上生产的农产品,人畜食用是安全的。
    这块 2 亩人造耕地,我提议命名为《 HP 种植园 》,这是人类有史以来第一块人造耕地,它是 HP 公司的新创造,也是人造土壤技术的科研与试验基地,可供人们参观,可作永久保存与纪念。
A Letter to HP Director:Reason
Background: On Dec. 19, 2010, a video of you being interviewed by the hostess Sang Chen was played on CCTV and I was deeply touched by your concept of “ being passionate about charity, but keeping a low profile ” . Later on, I searched the internet and found out the reports on you and your company by many media and I can fully understand your concept and actions. I am a retired employee in Liaohe Oilfield. I was born in a village in Yushu County, Jilin Province in July 1940. I graduated from the exploration department of Chinese University of Petroleum in 1964. From the latter half of 2001 to the first half of 2002, I did an indoor ( lab ) experiment on “ artificial soil ” . The experiment was conducted under artificial (factory) conditions to simulate the natural development process of soil and make the inorganic and organic materials for making soil into artificial soil with the basic conditions for plants to grow, i.e. water conservation, heat conservation, ventilation and fertility in a short time. Indoor planting experiments showed that wheat could grow quite well in such soil with normal development of roots, stems and leaves as well as ears and seeds. The wheat grown in such soil showed no difference from that grown in natural soil, which signified the success of the experiments.
Next, I should start the pilot test on artificial soil, i.e. doing a large scale field test in the open air (at least two mu), which would be an important link between the indoor experiment and future industrialization. During the pilot test period, feasibility study can be conducted, optimal programs will be selected, and various economic parameters will be measured to finish an economic and technical evaluation and to provide technical preparation and program design basis for the full scale industrialization of artificial soil technology. In fact, I have worked out the basic concept and preliminary programs for the pilot test, including 20 programs. Due to the lack of funds, nothing has been done further more. In order to get the help from the society and obtain capital support, I sent 220 letters for help from June 14, 2002 to March 17, 2006, but got no feedbacks. From April 19, 2004 to Feb. 2, 2005, I contributed twice to 18 mainstream media in China, but none was used by them, and the best result I ever got was the return of my articles to me. On June 22, 2009, I set up my own website “ Field for AST ” (www.tuyelt.com). Up to now, I have finished 80 issues for the field to have academic exchanges with people from all walks of life in both Chinese and English with one article each week, but not much effect has been achieved.
Purpose of this letter : Because of no funds, equipment or field site, I can not finish the pilot test on artificial soil. I hope to make 2 mu artificial cultivated land with your help so that my research will not be given up halfway and my wish will be honored at such an old age.
Detailed plan of mine : Prepare 1000 tons of construction waste powder (except hazardous substances), including waste concrete powder and making sure that the brick, tile and ceramics powder (top class soil making material) takes up an appropriate proportion; 120 tons of urban domestic garbage (except hazardous substances). Select a 2 mu field on a hill as the test area, which should be flat with the slope within 10 degree and expose the rocks by getting rid of all the remaining soil and trees and grass. Pick the plastic bags from the domestic garbage and make them into water proof material and separate the inorganic material from the domestic garbage and grind it into powder. The land should be made in midsummer with the process as follows. Build four square ponds of the same size by laying bricks or stones. The ponds are about 50-60 cm high with the No.1 pond being the lowest, No.2, No.3 and No.4 being lined in the upward direction. The walls of the No.1 pond needs to be water-proof treated while the other three ponds require only simple, temporary water-proof treatment. Next, fill 50 tons of prepared construction waste powder in each of the ponds to cover the bottom and rake the powder even and then fill 10 tons of domestic garbage and rake it even and repeat the process once. Then fill another 50 tons of powder into each pond and rake it even. Next, inject running water or other clean water into each pond till the pond is saturated and all air is eliminated. Finally, cover the ponds with plastic cloth to seal them so that the organic matter will ferment under anaerobic conditions and turn into humus and humic acid and other nutrients that can be absorbed by plants. In about half a year, 2 mu artificial cultivated land will be made when we uncover the plastic cloth.
To work on the artificial cultivated land would be the same as that on ordinary land. Rice will be planted in No.1 pond, wheat and corn will be planted in each half of No. 2 pond, soybean, adzuki bean , mung bean , peanut, potatoe, cabbage , radish, pumpkin and green onion and other vegetables will be planted in No. 3 pond and fruit trees, such as apple, peach, plum, apricot as well as saplings of elm, willow and locust will be planted in Pond No.4 with high quality pasture on the ground.
All the crops on the land will be used as my food and I will have a physical checkup half a year later to prove that the food is harmless and then the crops will be used as food for animals, like dogs, chickens, rabbits and sheep. The animals will be checked 3 months later to prove the food is harmless and then the food will be provided to volunteers. The volunteers will have a checkup 3 months later to prove the food is harmless. Then I will apply to relevant national authorities to do a food security evaluation. Comprehensive evaluation and assessments will be conducted by an evaluation panel of experts from the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environmental protection, food & drug quality control and quarantine departments, after which I would say to the people that the farm produce grown on the artificial cultivated land is safe for both men and animals.
I suggest that the 2 mu artificial cultivated land be named “ HP Plantation ” . It will be the first piece of artificial cultivated land and it will be created by HP and it will also be the scientific research and test base for the artificial soil technology. It can be a place for people to visit and kept forever as a memorial.
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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