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F-130 土业园地 (第 130 期) 2011.12.12
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 130 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei December 12, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
A Letter to HP Director:ReasonA Letter to HP Director:Test
    试验成本估算 : 2002 年,我曾经对人造耕地的成本进行过估算,按照 2000 年的币值 ( 金本制 ) ,每亩成本可控制在 10 万元人民币以内,大约是 1 公斤 黄金能造 1 亩耕地。依此为据,这 2 亩人造耕地的成本是 2 公斤 黄金的市场价格。换句话说,如果 HP 能支持我做试验,它的经济投入相当于 2 公斤 黄金兑换成人民币,这或许是 40 万元, 50 万元,或者 60 万元。将固体原料粉碎并研磨成粉末约占成本的一半。
    试验期限 :本试验计划 3-5 年完成。 2011 年做好一切充分准备工作并完成人造耕地的全部工程量, 2012 年在人造耕地上做植物种植试验,并将收获各种农产品, 2013 年把所收获的农产品给人和动物吃 , 做食品安全性试验。至此 , 本试验基本完成 , 接下来是向国家申报做食品安全性鉴定 , 这个问题不由我来安排 , 给它留下 2 年时间。
    试验的深远影响 :这个试验让人们实实在在地看到,在极短的时间内,中国人就能做到把建筑垃圾和城市生活垃圾变成人造耕地。在这种人造耕地上可以生产粮食、蔬菜、水果,也可以生长牧草、树木等植物。这对人多地少的我国,真是雪中送炭,这种宝贵资源对我国的生存与发展,其意义不同凡响。对 HP 而言,使它真真切切地看到,使用人造土壤技术,可以把建筑垃圾和城市生活垃圾 100% 地转变成资源并提高废物利用的档次,给 HP 公司带来的无形利益和树立本公司的企业形象也是无法估量的。对我而言,这是人类有史以来第一块人造耕地,她的示范作用和深远影响更是无法估量的。
A Letter to HP Director:Test
Estimated test cost: In 2002, I made an estimation on the cost of making artificial cultivated land. If the cost can be controlled within RMB 100,000 yuan/mu according to the currency value in 2000, about 1 mu land can be made with 1 kg gold, based on which, the cost of 2 mu land will be 2 kg gold. In another word, if HP can support me in doing the test, its economic input equals to 2 kg gold, converted into RMB, it may be about 400,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan or 600,000 yuan. The cost for grinding the solid material into powder will take up about half of the total cost.
Test period: The test will be finished in 3-5 years. In 2011, all the preparatory work and the making of the artificial cultivated land will be finished; in 2012, crops will be planted on the land and harvested in the same year. In 2013, feed the produce to man and animals to do the test on food safety. Then apply for the food security assessment to national authorities, and the duration of which is not up to me. Let ' s give them 2 years for that.
The far-reaching impact of the test : The test will allow people to know that our Chinese can turn construction waste and domestic garbage into artificial cultivated land in a short time. Grains, vegetables, fruits and pasture and trees can all grow on the land. The invention is a timely piece of news to China who has a large population and limited land, which will be of great significance to the survival and development of China. For HP, intangible benefits and image of the company will be enhanced after turning 100% construction waste and domestic garbage into resources and making good use of wastes. For me, this would be the first piece of artificial cultivated land in human history and its role as a model and far-reaching impact are immeasurable.
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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