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F-132 土业园地 (第 132 期) 2011.12.26
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 132 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei December 26, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
A Letter to HP Director:My mental preparation
    我有足够的心理准备,在中国只有具备 3 个条件的人,才能支持我做人造土壤技术中间试验: 1 、拥有足够多的资本; 2 、长有一颗无限热爱祖国和人民的心; 3 、具有一双慧眼,能洞察到人造土壤技术的真谛和未来。毫无疑问,前 2 个条件你是具备了。第三个吗,要说你不支持甚至不理睬我的中间试验 , 那一点也不奇怪 , 完全正常。事实上 ,10 年来在我的 13 亿同胞中 , 什么样的行政高官 , 什么样的科学家,什么样的金融寡头我都求过了,他们中间没有一个人站出来支持我做人造土壤技术中间试验,我只是提出 20 万元的资金援助。我还可以再等 10 年。到 2020 年之后 , 中国所面对的问题更加严峻,特别是 4 大问题 ( 粮食自给率下降、环境恶化、水资源短缺、数亿劳动力就业 ), 中国的科学家拿不出什么好办法 , 非人造土壤技术莫属。到那时 , 中国又失去了 20 年的大好时光,我已经是 80 岁了。我说这些话 , 不是要挟你支持我做试验,我是在叙述一个道理:一项划时代的发明创造 , 被人们普遍地接受与认同有多么难。 20 年的时间不算长 , 可是我心里明白 , 我的试验能早一天进行 , 祖国和人民就早一天受益 。
    ( 以下的内容省略,在信的结尾写到 )
李鹏飞 2011 年1 月1 日 于辽宁盘锦   
邮编: 124010 手机: 13043864167 网址: www.tuyelt.com
A Letter to HP Director:My mental preparation
I have enough mental preparation. I think only those who have the following three qualifications can be my supporters in China . 1) He has enough capital; 2) He has a passionate heart for our mother country and our people; and 3) He has keen eyes, capable of seeing clearly the true essence and future of AST. Without doubt, you have the first two qualifications. As for the third one, it is quite normal if you do not support me nor pay any attention to my pilot test. In fact, I have pleaded to administrative officials, scientists and financial magnates of all kinds from the 1.3 billion compatriots over the past 10 years, but got no support whatsoever from anyone in the pilot test. What I am asking now is only 200,000 yuan support. I can wait for another 10 years. After 2020, the problems facing China will become more serious, especially the four big ones (decline of grain self sufficiency rate, deterioration of environment, shortage of water resource and millions of job opportunities). If no other better method is proposed by Chinese scientists, AST will be the answer. By then, another 20 years of golden time will have been wasted and I will be 80 years old. I am not threatening you, rather telling a truth: it is extremely difficult for an epoch-making invention to be widely accepted and recognized. 20 years is not long, but I know the earlier the test can be undertaken, the more our country and people will benefit from my test. (The following content is omitted here.)
Best regards!
Li Pengfei   

Address : Retirees' Office of the Research Institute of Exploration and Development of Liaohe Oilfield, Liaoning Province, P.R.China
Postcode : 124010
Mobile Telephone Number : 13043864167
My Webside : www.tuyelt.com
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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