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F-138 土业园地 (第138期) 2012.2.6
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№138)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei February 6, 2012
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

How away from mistaken idea for a long term scientific plan


    在中国,编制长期科学规划时,通常是把世界最先进的科技成就和发达国家的水平,作为我们的目标,组织有关专家学者编写而成。这样做往往脱离中国的实际,忘记了中国的国情,《创新 2050:科技革命与中国的未来》系列报告,就是一个例子。50年代,我们提出“向科学进军”和“赶超世界先进水平”,这是很对的,符合中国的实际,符合中国的国情。50年后我们还是那样做,采用老办法,未免太荒唐太可笑了。如果你很细心读一读,中科院编制的路线图,国防部分除外,你就找不到中国创新的地方在哪里,充其量是欧美和日本这些发达国家的中国版。真正中国需要解决的四大问题,却一带而过,理由很简单,在发达国家的科技中找不到现成的方法。我劝告中国的科学家,以后再编制中国的长期科学规划时,别忘记了中国的国情,走出《长期科学规划》上的误区。


How away from mistaken idea for a long term scientific plan

In China during planning a long term science and technology research, in general case they put the advanced level of science and technology of the world and developed countries as our target, then it has been written by some experts and scholars. So that it has been divorced from Chinese realities because of forgetting Chinese situation. Just for example that “Innovation 2050: Scientific revolution and China's future”, in which series of reports described up to 2050 the road map of developing science and technology in China including? 8 large systems.1950s we put forward anabasis into science and overtake world advanced level that is right because which accords with Chinese reality and Chinese situation. After 50 years we also do same old method it will be too flimflam and laugh. if you read road map written by CAS carefully you can find nowhere is any innovation at most which is Chinese edition of developed countries such as America, Europe and Japan. There are four big problems need to be solved which describe lightly because of no answer from developed countries. Here ,I have advised with Chinese scientists after now on when new long term planning science and technology to be written Chinese situation must not be forgotten away from mistaken area during planning a long term science and technology.(to be proofread)

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