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F-176 土业园地 (第176期) 2012.10.29
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№176)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei October 29, 2012

My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Direction of development of science and technology of China


    中国的科技发展方向是为中国的生存和发展保驾与护航的。中国将引领这个世界率先进入土业时代。接下来是印度,50 -100年后进入土业时代, 200年后美国进入土业时代,300年后巴西进入土业时代,400年后俄罗斯进入土业时代。中国是人造土壤技术的发祥地,人造土壤技术与已往的世界5个有决定意义的发明一样,具有普遍意义和深远内涵,它将长久地影响着人类社会、自然界、经济活动、宇宙航行、生物进化等方方面面。如果中国能把“推广人造土壤技术,发展人造土壤产业”作为我们的基本国策,中国会少走很多弯路,中国的事情会办得更好。在未来,是中国引领世界,而不是中国被别人牵着走。


Direction of development of science and technology of China

Direction of Chinese scientific development is to insure Chinese exist and development. China will lead our world into Soil Age, next India after 100 years following America after 200 years, Brazil after 300 years and Russia after 400 years. China is the birthplace of artificial soil technology which has possessed general significance and far-reaching meanings like departed world 5 inventions, which will greatly influence human society, nature, economic action, astronavigation, creature evolution etc. If China can put “popularization of artificial soil technology and development of artificial soil industry ”as our basic national policy so China can run without mistaken way and get bester result. In the future China will pilot the world but not be led by the others.(to be proofread)

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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