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F-017 土业园地 (第017期) 2009.10.12
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№017)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei October 12, 2009
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Future of the world

    中国的未来是世界未来的一部分,中国将引领这个世界率先进入土业时代。接下来是印度,100年后进入土业时代, 200年后美国进入土业时代,300年后巴西进入土业时代,400年后俄罗斯进入土业时代。


Future of the world

The future of China is a part of future of the world. China will firstly pilot the world into Soil Age, followed by India in 100 years, America in 200 years, and Brazil in 300 years as well as Russia in 400 years.
The future of the world will be wonderful and green. People can see the Selva, Savanna, rainforest of temperate zone, grassland of temperate zone which are not like present forestation, artificial forest or withdrawing from the farmland and restoring the forest, nor withdrawing from the farmland and restoring grassland. Our human beings will cover one layer of artificial soil on the surface of the Earth where necessary with our hands, which is about 30-50 ㎝ thick without harmful chemical matter and content of heavy metals strictly controlled. This artificial land is suitable for animal and plant existence and help to form comprehensive and stable community of animal and plant. Human beings belong to one ring of this biological chain instead of being the world dominator. As long as we do so, protecting the biological diversity is inevitable which is better than constructing preserve areas for northeast and south Chinese tigers. As there is not a comprehensive biological chain, the northeast and south Chinese tigers will disappear sooner or later.
China is the birthplace of artificial soil technology which, like the five world inventions, has universal significance and profound connotation and it will influence permanently human society, natural world, economical activity, astronavigation, evolution of creature and so on .If China can put “popularization of artificial soil technology and development of artificial soil industry”as the basic national policy, then our nation can avoid detours and Chinese affairs will be handled better.
In the future China will pilot the world but not be led by the others.

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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