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F-186 土业园地 (第186期) 2013.1.7
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№186)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei January 7, 2013
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

An antithetical couplet


    左联:海南行自三亚至文城办土校 右联:中国人二百年人造地资源增 横批:粮食自给 左联的含意是:从2013年起,我去海南岛用原始的工具和手工方法,力争在3年内,人造耕地20平方米,建立人造土壤技术试验基地,大力宣传我的学术思想。 右联的含意是:中国人用二百年的时间,人造耕地20亿亩,使土地资源增至40亿亩,彻底解决农业基础问题。 横批的含意是:增加我国的粮食生产能力,彻底解决我国人民的吃饭问题。


An antithetical couplet

Left side:Around Hainan island from Sanya to Wencheng to create soil school. Right side:Chinese in 200 years to make cultivated land on the increase of land resources. Top side:Self-sufficiency in grain. The meaning in left side is that from 2013 I am going to travel to Hainan island to make 20 square meters of artificial cultivated land in 3 years and set up test base of artificial soil technology and give publicity to people to know my academic ideas energetically. The meaning in right side is that from now on Chinese people will make 2 billion mu of artificial cultivated land in 200 years up to 4 billion mu of land resources. The meaning in top side is that to increase our grain production capacity and to solve Chinese food completely. (to be proofread)

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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