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Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№001)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei June 3, 2009
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

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This field relates to a kind of manufacturing technology of artificial soil used in agriculture and plant production. It makes use of rock, solid wastes produced in industry, mining and construction and all kinds of organic matter(except harmful materials) through process of selection, crushing and grinding, to mix inorganic material powder with organic matter in certain proportions and in anaerobe conditions to ferment the mixture so as to get the compostmanufacturing soil. Then artificial soil can be made by mixing the compost manufacturing soil and inorganic material powder﹙the parent materials manufacturing soil﹚according to certain proportion that meets the fundamental conditions with essential properties of water-retaining, heat-retaining, permeation and fertility for growing plants. This technology can be easily put into practice and commercialized. It can be used to combine developing agriculture, disposing wastes of industry and mining, controlling water pollution, dealing with domestic wastes and protecting the environment, to promote and realize a favorable circulation, especially in barren mountainous areas, deserted areas and islands etc. where human beings, animals and plants can not live due to shortness of soil.
The purpose of the invention is to seek a way through which mass production of artificial soil by factory at a high speed can be achieved, and this patented technology can realize the increase of land resources by turning domestic wastes into useful resources, harmonize human beings and the nature, and solve completely the problems such as agriculture, environmental protection, shortness of water resource, employment for several hundred millions of people and so on.
The writer thinks that the artificial soil technology should be called the sixth invention which can be juxtaposed with making stoneware, making fire, domesticating animals, planting crops, and inventing steam engines. He also calls the Post-Industrial Revolution Age as the Soil Age. Artificial soil technology is an applied technology and it represents a complete system of academic ideas. The key point of the artificial soil technology is that land resources are not limited.Academically, the deeper thought is whether man can live without natural conditions on the Earth and whether man can exist without natural resources on the Earth. In this paper, the writer makes some predictions and explorations about the future human society, economic development, environment, resources and energy. Because all of these are mentioned for the first time, discussions and arguments are welcomed and appreciated.
Every body ,nice to see you on My Web !

Note 1:My English is very poor, and if you find any mistake or doubt, please read the Chinese text or contact me.

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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