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F-201? 土业园地 (第201期) 2013.4.22
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№201)
作者:李鹏飞? AuthorLi Pengfei April 22, 2013
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Laozi and Xiaozi




Laozi and Xiaozi

Li Er is known as Laozi, who was born at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and serving the army in 43 years. He had concerned national future and wished to do some thing for it, but reality did not give him any opportunities. When he was more than 70 years old and wrote The Classic of the Virtue of Tao, then he rode at the back of a black cattle through Hanguguan forwards west and disappeared into boundless field. I think that Laozi's academic ideas are more far affluent than the Classic of the Virtue of Tao to be recorded. If at that moment there was a young volunteer beside him as graduate student who had recorded Laozi's academic ideas, there is no need current scholars explain the Classic of the Virtue of Tao with more and more words. This is non-redemptive magnitude loss.
? I nicknamed myself Xiaozi, it is not with Laozi's prestige to rise my social status and awoke people's attention, my academic ideas are more far affluent than Theory of Soil,same as Three Series of Literatures of Artificial Soil Technology. I propose that the society should give me an opportunity to publicize my academic ideas, never like as Laozi after I die, scholars will explain my Theory of Soil with more and more words. Because I know that my academic ideas will be possessed of an important position on Chinese cultural and scientific history.
(to be proofread)

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