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F-209 土业园地 (第209期) 2013.6.17
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№209)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei June 17, 2013
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Support to agriculture energetically


    为了发展农业,为了确保粮食供给和粮食安全,2012年中国中央财政,继续加大扶持农业的力度,预计达到12287亿元,同比增长17.9%。与此同时,各地方部门也加大了扶持农业的力度。中国实现了“九连增”,2012年粮食产量达到58957万吨。与此同时,辽宁省实现了“九连丰”, 2012年粮食产量达到414.1亿斤,河南省产粮1000亿斤,黑龙江省产粮突破1250亿斤。


Support to agriculture energetically

In order to develop agricultural production and ensure grain supply and grain safety, in 2012, Chinese central finance has expected 1.2287 trillion¥ in support of our national agriculture. In 2012, Chinese grain output reached? 589.57 million tons, increase rate of 17.9% than last year. So China realized “nine successive increase”.Meanwhile, Liaoning province realized “nine successive harvest”, its grain output reached 20.7 million tons, Henan province reached? 50 million tons, Heilong province reached over 62.5 million tons.
We need to improve our works and should change our thought from supporting grain yield into supporting land resources to increase the aftereffect of our agricultural development. Agriculture is the most important thing relating to future generation's foods, which is not a stopgap measures in China.
(to be proofread)

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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