土业园地 → 欢迎下载欣赏(更新时间:2014年6月19日)

F-021 土业园地 (第021期) 2009.11.9
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№021)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei November 9, 2009
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Third strategic significance of AST


Third strategic significance of AST

Third strategic significance of AST:The start-up of the artificial soil project may bring along the obvious development of related industries and provide job opportunities for hundreds of millions of people.
The artificial soil project is a huge project and it needs the government to play a leading role in mobilizing the whole society to realize the target of making 2 billion mu land in 200 years depending upon the spirit of drawing together and striving that our Chinese Nation has upheld from ancient times. The success of the artificial soil project has to be supported by large sums of money. We insist that spending the money will not result in “virtual work” or “nothing at all”. What we will get is valuable land resources and what we will own is high quality property. The 2 billion mu artificial land is invaluable treasure, the lifeblood of our peoples. Since it is such a large project, it will naturally need a great many people to carry it out in the 200 years period, providing many employment opportunities. The employment opportunities can be classified into 4 groups: 1) personnel directly involved in artificial soil and artificial land making; 2) personnel involved in soil-making and land-making related industries; 3) personnel directly involved in production, management, processing and administration on the artificial land; 4) personnel working in auxiliary sectors to production activities on the artificial land. The first and the third groups are permanent employment opportunities, and the second and the fourth are non-permanent. We can make a brief estimation. If 10 million mu new land is made every year, no less than 0.1 billion people will be required to carry out material-collecting, classifying, making powders, fermenting organic materials as well as construction of artificial land and transportation of all kinds of materials, etc. With the increase of 10 million mu new land, millions of people will be needed to engage in production and management activities. As for the 2 billion mu land, people needed for production and management will be at least 0.2 billion supposing 10mu/person, excluding the employment opportunities in related industries. Therefore it is not fabricating that the start-up of the project will regulate the labor market, meet the employment requirements of hundreds of millions of people and provide job opportunities for hundreds of millions of people.

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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