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F-220 土业园地 (第220期) 2013.9.2
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№220)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei September 2, 2013
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Break with traditional ideas


    我们必须破除“土地资源是有限的”传统观念,树立“土地资源不是有限的”新观念。这是因为,除了增加土地资源外,用什么办法也不能彻底解决粮食自给问题,包括:用转基因技术研发高产种子,改造中低产田,国际间农业合作以及到国外屯田等等。正是因为有这个传统观念的束缚,才不能使我们放开手脚去创新,才不肯接受我的学术观点。这也难怪中国的科学家迈不开这一步,因为他们一辈子,甚至几辈子都是在“土地资源是有限的”传统观念内,进行科学研究,改变观念就意味着前功尽弃。但是,如果你是一个追求真理的人,应该是乐于改变的,因为你找到了真理。如同老子所言“上士闻道,勤而行之”, 儒家也说,要“闻过则喜”。


Break with traditional ideas

We have to break with traditional ideas that land resources are limited, and we have to set up new ideas that land resources are not limited. Because no ways can solve Chinese food completely including GM seeds, change medium-lower output field, international cooperation and land purchased abroad and so on except increase of land resources. Due to fetter by traditional ideas, Chinese scientists can not throw away them and accept my academic ideas, same as land resources are not limited. I think that as a scientist, you would be a person, who want to seek truth and change ideas from the old into the new, so to change ideas are good things, because you have sought truth just as like Laozi said a man with high innate quality hears the truth and carry out it often. Confucian says that when you hear someone shows your shortness and then you would be glad.
(to be proofread)

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