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F-222 土业园地 (第222期) 2013.9.16
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№222)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei September 16, 2013
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Only use 40% of territory


    我设想,中国拥有的耕地面积为40亿亩时,即270 万平方公里,中国的人居、交通、工业、各种建筑占地为114万平方公里,总计为384万平方公里,大约占国土面积的40%。这就是中国人的生活区域,我们的活动尽可能限制在这个范围内。剩下的六成国土面积人类少去干扰,成为其他生物的家园。要知道,40亿亩的高质量耕地生产的粮食,足够15亿或者更多人口的食用。用不了的耕地,可以让它自然撂荒,长满各种植物,也成为野生动植物的家园。


Only use 40% of territory

I suppose when China will possess of 4 billion mu of cultivate land, which equals to 2.7 million square kilometers and another 1.14 million square kilometers for living, road, industries, constructions and so on, total areas are 3.84 million square kilometers, which equals to about 40% of our current territory, which belongs to Chinese living areas and our life is likely to be limited within them. The remainder 60% of territory becomes wild animal and plant region, the human beings don’t go to disturb the areas as far as possible. It is known that using 4 billion mu of high quality cultivated land can produce enough grain for 1.5 billions of Chinese population or more. On the temporary idle land don’t seed and let them to overgrow wild grass and trees and to become wild creature family.
(to be proofread)

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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