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F-227 土业园地 (第227期) 2013.10.21
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№227)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi PengfeiOctober 21, 2013
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

The edible safety test




The edible safety test

Because GM rice is the most important thing, before commercial production we have to carry out the strictest test of edible safety on GM rice. My suggestion is that, which is divided following three periods.
First period:Scientists developed by GM rice and their family have eaten GM rice for about eighty years in three generations. During the test period they will be observed and recorded many data. After they will be proved harmless to their health, then next.
Second period:Some animals such as monkey and fowls have eaten GM rice for ten years and observed and recorded. After they will be proved harmless to their health, then next.
Third period:volunteers have repeated the Second period process for ten years.
Finally, GM rice need to pass the test examination. The whole test will last about 100 years and GM rice will be proved safe by expert's appraisal, then the GM crops will be allowed to commercialize as Chinese food.
(to be proofread)

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