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F-023 土业园地 (第023期) 2009.11.23
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№023)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei November 23, 2009
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Fifth strategic significance of AST



Fifth strategic significance of AST

Fifth strategic significance of AST:During the operation of artificial soil technology, our countrymen’s quality can be improved with the change of the old living habits.
With the concept of artificial soil technology deeply rooted among the people, the improvement of people’s material and spiritual civilization levels and the change of people’s old living habits and the forming of new living habits, changes will take place to human relations and the functions of the governments. According to the requirements of artificial soil technology, our governments should guarantee that all the members of the society should get used to the following: 1) Make changes to the existing drainage system in cities with zero discharge of industrial waste water. The industrial waste water will be 100% recycled and should not be allowed to be drained into natural water bodies (rivers, lakes and seas). 2) The city dwellers’ wastes (including animals’) should be collected to be used as organic material for artificial soil. The household rubbish should be classified and managed compulsorily to be used as artificial soil materials after being recycled (harmful substances to be treated specially). No admittance into the environment. 3) Only household water, such as rice–washing water, vegetable-washing water, clothes-washing water and bathing water can be drained into the civil sewage system. The household water, in principle, does not enter the natural water bodies; instead it is used for greening after being treated or irrigating after being proved to be qualified. 4) Adopt the system of “the last working procedure”, i.e. all the solid waste produced by industries like factories, mining and construction will be treated as resources. After being chosen by other sectors, the last use will be for making artificial soil (To avoid misunderstanding, I underscore here once again that the harmful substances will be treated specially.) 5) Relevant laws, codes and agreements should be established to combine compulsory measures with education and persuasion. The young ones should be indoctrinated with the concept of protecting the environment and adults should be models of the young ones in this regard. When unpleasant behavior is seen, someone should speak up and all members of the society are expected to care for the society. Every member of the society should be aware that since you were born to this world, you would have to consume 324 tons of air, 54 tons of water and 32.4 tons of food. All of them are bestowed on you by the nature and human society. They will become waste, something that is harmful to others as well as yourself after being consumed by you. In addition, you would produce 1.2 kg of rubbish and other waste every day. As a member of the society, you are obliged to put the waste in proper places (i.e. wastes in closed containers) and should not feel any inconvenience. Good habits should be developed. Of course, it is another story for the elderly and those who cannot take care of themselves but need help from other people or the society. Talking so far, it can be seen that the artificial soil technology seems to be a technical issue, but in fact it is an issue of social concept that requires people to change their old living habits and customs and establishing new ones. Closer ties will be set up among people and everybody cares about our society. If China is able to take the lead in achieving the above in the world, who would doubt that our nation’s quality has been improved?

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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