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F-243? 土业园地 (第243期) 2014.2.10
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№243)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi PengfeiFebruary 10, 2014
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Media is inconceivable


    不可思议的是,中国的媒体不把有关农业的真实情况告诉给全国人民。有时,媒体竟做起了文字游戏。请看,在“十一五”期间 ,媒体说“我国的粮食自给率确保在95℅以上”。“十二五”期间,媒体就不再提我国的粮食自给率了,变成“确保粮食基本自给”。最近,《经济日报》提出“我国的谷物自给率在95℅以上”。对于普通的中国老百姓而言,有谁知道“粮食”和“谷物”有什么区别,又有谁知道农业部是如何定义的。媒体这么做,无非是把中国每年进口的5000多万吨大豆和1000多万吨豆油,不计算在粮食进口数字之内。


Media is inconceivable

It is inconceivable that Chinese medium don't tell real situation about our agriculture to Chinese people while do the play with words. Among“ The 11th five year plan”,medium said “our national degree of self-sufficiency in grain is over 95% ”. Among“The 12th five year plan”, medium did not say how much only said to ensure essential sufficiency in grain. Recently, Economy Daily(经济日报) says “our national degree of self-sufficiency in cereal(谷物)is over 95%”. On the ordinary Chinese who can know the difference between tow words grain and cereal. No more then to import of 50 million tons of soybean and 10 million tons of soybean oil don't calculates in numeral the grain imported.
(to be proofread)

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