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F-047 土业园地 (第047期) 2010.5.10
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№047)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei May 10, 2010
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Three important works


Three important works

The One among 20 Intermediate test programs for artificial soil technology includes three important works as followig
  1. There are two basic parts in each test program. First the inorganic materials are smashed and ground into inorganic powder called the parent materials manufacturing soil. This is the hardest job of the test. Supposing 500 t of parent materials manufacturing soil is needed for manufacturing 1 mu of land, the amount will be surprisingly huge. The cost of this part will take up over 50% of the total cost of the test. The second part is to make organic matter ferment and become the compost manufacturing soil under anaerobic conditions. The first part of the test may cause damage to human body by dust while in the second part the working environment is dirty and odorous and may lurk the risk of microbe attacks, so protection to the working personnel must be in place.
  2. To ensure the smooth progress of the test, support from the local government must be obtained and some administrative codes must be formulated for the public to follow. The personnel involved in the test must be trained and some related bylaws must be defined for everyone to obey. Within the test area, all daily rubbish, industrial solid waste and dejection of men and animals must be used in manufacturing soil (except harmful substances) instead of entering the environment, or being discharged into rivers. It should be noted that each testing personnel should adhere to the three “don’t”------do not spit anywhere, do not throw cigarette end anywhere and do not trample on lawns, abiding by the public morals and improving the makings of the Chinese Nation.
In terms of the management of financial affairs, every penny should be saved for the test and the cost of the test should be reduced with every effort possible. Therefore, three kinds of people are needed in the test, powder-making engineers, experts on agricultural microbes and chief inspector of finance. To estimate the cost of making soil, I have done some investigations recently. There is a stone powder factory affiliated to No.1 Drilling Company of Liaohe Oilfield which specializes in grinding quartz, bentonite and barite for preparing drilling fluids. The factory’s electric cost is about RMB?¥80 grinding one ton of material (big stones). It was reported in “Construction Materials Newspaper”, during the production of cement, the comprehensive consumption of electricity is lower than 90 kilowatt hour/t with the new dry technology. Considering that the parent materials manufacturing soil need not to be as fine as the drilling fluid powder or cement, the powder-making cost will be less than RMB?¥100/t. Supposing 500 t is needed per mu, its cost can be controlled within RMB?¥50000/mu. With the improvement of technology, the cost in this regard may be reduced to RMB?¥25000/mu if powder-making engineers can reduce the cost of powder making to less than RMB?¥50/t. As for the compost manufacturing soil, no high cost is involved and some income may be earned if it is well done. For example, the biogas may be used as fuel and the compost can be sold. Treating household rubbish for the country may earn some financial subsidy.
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