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F-004 土业园地 (第004期) 2009.7.13
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№004)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei July 13, 2009
My Web:www.tuyelt.com? Telephone Number:13043864167

You Are Welcome to Visit My Web
在英语中没有相应的词汇,翻译时我暂时使用“Artificial Soil Technology”,即人造土壤技术,缩写“AST”代替,我建议应该造一个英语单词“tuye”,它的英文解释是:Artificial ?soil technology ,which represents academic ideas and its properties have been formed。
三套系列文献﹙Three series of literatures﹚是:
Readings about Artificial Soil Technology(AST)
Lectures on Artificial Soil Technology(AST)
Field for Artificial Soil Technology(AST)
四阶定位法﹙Four-step method of a location﹚是指,在我的文献中任何一条信息,都可以用4个符号,表示出它的时空位置,即:名称-标题-页码-日期,举3个例子说明。
例1:R-06-21-2003.5.17 ,它表示:人造土壤技术阅读材料-浅谈人造土壤战略-21页-2003年5月17日写作。
例2:L-42-72-2006.10.18 ,它表示:人造土壤技术讲座-第42讲:人造耕地的目的-72页-2006年10月18日写作。
例3:F-003-12-2009.7.6 ,它表示:土业园地-(第3期)定义∑(西格马)人群-12页-2009年7月6日写作。


欢 迎 您 访 问 我 的 网 站
You Are Welcome to Visit My Web

The name of My Web is 土业园地( Field for Artificial Soil Technology(AST)www.tuyelt.com)has been created on June 22,2009,its purpose is to exchange academic ideas, especially related to my artificial soil technology, and its Chinese Phonetic Alphabet is “tuye”.
There is not a suitable word in English like“tuye”, so I temporarily use Artificial Soil Technology(AST)instead of 土业(tuye), my suggestion is that the word of“tuye”should be created in English, which means artificial soil technology, its academic ideas and the industry that will develop from it.
I am the person who initially put forward Artificial Soil Technology. When you visit My Web, you become my good guest. Here all of these are public and open to you. In order to glance at and find some information quickly and easily, you need to know what Three series of literatures and Four-step method of a location are in my articles.
Three series of literatures include:
1﹒Readings about Artificial Soil Technology(AST)(24 Literatures)
2﹒Lectures on Artificial Soil Technology(AST)(69 Lectures)
3﹒Field for Artificial Soil Technology(AST)(I am doing now at least once a week)

Four-step method of a location means that any information in my articles must be showed by four characters to locate it and time it. They have to be done as follows :Name-Title-Page-Date, following are 3 examples.
Example 1:A、 R-06-21-2003.5.17 shows人造土壤技术阅读材料-浅谈人造土壤战略-21页-2003年5月17日写作
B、 R-07-32-2003.5.17 shows Readings about Artificial Soil Technology- A Brief Insight into the
Strategy of Artificial Soil-Page 32-written on May 17,2003.
Example 2:L-42-72-2006.10.18 shows Lectures on Artificial Soil Technology-Lecture 42:Purpose of Artificial Cultivated Land-Page 72-written on October 18,2006.
Example 3:F-003-12-2009.7.6 show Field for Artificial Soil Technology-(№3)Definition of ∑People-Page 12-written on July 6,2009.
 In fact during applying it, the fourth step-Date is usually omitted. Thus, it can be seen that if you can remember the Three series of literatures and Four-step method of a location, we can exchange our academic ideas and questions as well as answers easily and quickly, a lot of time and words can be saved. Here are 2 Examples.
Example 1:If you ask me:How to solve the problem of cyclic use of food, water and air for people during the astronavigation?,I will answer:“L-39-70-2006.10.18”,you can quickly find it.
Example 2:If you ask me:In our country, our grain cannot be self-sufficient, Please tell me, What risks are we facing?,I will answer:“R-17-1-2005.9.21”,you can quickly find it according to my message, you can quickly read that“人造土壤技术阅读材料-如何抵御粮食武器-1页-2005年9月21日写作,On abstract I had written that“…作者告诫,当中国粮食自给率降到80﹪以下,粮食缺口超过1亿吨时,世界产粮大国可能对中国使用粮食武器…”In English, the main meaning is that the author warns that the World Grain Superpower will use Grain As a Weapon towards China when our degree of self-sufficiency in grain drops below 80% and shortage of grain exceeds 100 million tons,If you want to know more, you can read the full text.


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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
辽ICP备09029614号 网站设计制作:辽宁纵横资讯 电话:18804272244