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F-005 土业园地 (第005期) 2009.7.20
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№005)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei July 20, 2009
My Web:www.tuyelt.com? Telephone Number:13043864167

谁 肯 帮 助 我
Who Can Help Me



谁 肯 帮 助 我
Who Can Help Me

For nearly ten years I have done an unprecedented even absurd thing that I propose using one technology to solve nearly all of the serious problems facing China and the World, such as:
1、If China can solve the problem of self- sufficiency in grain?
2、If dairy products and its supplies have reached the level as in developed countries, such as the European dairy consumption is 230 ㎏/person ,Asian is 40 ㎏/person, Japanese and Indian are 80 ㎏/person, Chinese is a little more than 20 ㎏/person?
3、Some successes have been achieved in local treatments in environment protection in our country, but the overall situation is deteriorating, and quantities of soil erosion have reached about 6 billion tons.
4、How to solve the problem of hundred millions of job opportunities?
5、How to solve the problem of shortness of land resources? Chinese scholars have estimated that the minimum area of cultivated land in our country is 1.6 billion mu, and the figure put forward currently is 1.8 billion mu.
6、How to solve the problem of shortness of water resource and water pollution?
7、How to solve the problem of solid wastes produced in industry and construction?
8、How to face and solve the problem of recovering agricultural production after a local nuclear war?
9、How to face and solve the problem of recovering agricultural production after the see level has risen as
the climate is becoming hot?
10、How to solve the problem of cyclic use at food, water and air for human beings after emigrating new stars.
The above-mentioned problems, to be frank with you, are only the tip of the iceberg. But, in reality, I am alone in the struggle. The reaction of whole society is indifferent, and nobody asks anything to me. At this moment I need help more than anyone.
If you are a network master-hand, you can help me do My Web better to enable my artificial soil technology and its academic ideas to be spread widely. The more people know it, the more arguments there will be. All kinds of comments are welcome because one day this information will reach the ears of decision-makers, making them get rid of the main leading academic ideas, and accept my opinion. I believe that China will become better than today is this technology is applied in China.
If you are a person who is an expert against pseudoscience, please read my articles carefully. If you can prove my academic ideas are pseudoscience and nonsense, I will thank you because I will be free from then on. If not, I will also thank you because my articles have been spread by you for free.
If you are a journalist of Singapore 《联合早报》, or Associated Press(AP),Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan, even one of the 130 thousand journalists in Chinese Mainland who have registered in China. You are welcome to cover me; I do not ask you for fair and objective reports. You can say anything you want to make my academic ideas known to others quickly. As for me, I am not afraid of anything even losing my dignity and rights. I am only afraid that no one takes notice of me because I have not been noticed for nearly ten years.
If you are an academician, it is very difficult to ask you to support my academic views. You know I have concerned about specially the tendency and situation of science and technology in our country. Here I have a lot of important documents, such as《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要??????? (2006-2020年)》,《中华人民共和国经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》,《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》,《国家粮食安全中长期规划纲要(2008-2020年)》,《创新2050:科技革命与中国的未来》系列报告(see also 人民日报 July 11,2009).In these documents you can find out the level and methods to solve the problems faced by China and by the Chinese academic world. At this moment I am nobody, so if there is an academician who can say one word that is “Although artificial soil technology is not within the? programs, perhaps we should test it ”.This word alone is better than what I have worked for in ten years, I need to requite with a lot of thanks. But I know to get this word is as difficult as going to the moon.
So I say that anyone can help me, but this help should come out of your willingness.


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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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