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F-006 土业园地 (第006期) 2009.7.27
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№006)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei July 27, 2009|
My Web:www.tuyelt.com? Telephone Number:13043864167

我 能 帮 助 你 吗
Can I Help You



我 能 帮 助 你 吗
Can I Help You

I can help you and I would like to help you. On Artificial Soil Technology I describe it as “大道至简、好事多磨、大智若愚”. In English, the main meanings are: The greatest theory is the simplest, a good thing will meet lots of difficulties, and a person who has the greatest wisdom usually acts like a fool. Because Artificial Soil Technology is related to a wide area, as for modern science and technology, almost all the subjects and sectors are involved, including pedology , petrology, agricultural microbiology, desert science, environment science, mechanical science, zoology, botany, medical science, information technology, program design, meteorology,  paleogeography , modern economics, philosophy and traditional Chinese philosophical concepts, etc.
Under such a big background, in spite of your job or your social position even age and sex, I believe that I have some ability to help you. I take several examples to show you.
Here, you can see two different situations. For ∑people(see also F-003)who are my main target to disseminate, there are about ten million of them. Academicians enjoy life long titles among the 5 layers. In this sense you can see that it is business but not personal to me. The disks have already been made by me including R and L(即人造土壤技术阅读材料和人造土壤技术讲座), in English:R- Readings about Artificial Soil Technology(AST)and L- Lectures on Artificial Soil Technology(AST).I will send 100 disks to the public a month free of charge. If an academician can ask me for a disk, please tell me your address, and I can post it immediately. It is better to use your mobile telephone to send me a short letter with your address(my mobile telephone number 13043864167).I know if you are very busy, your helper can read it instead of you. Thus, our ∑ people can see another world different from the leading Chinese academic views.
On the another hand, 1.3 billion of the people are my compatriots. They are my essential target to disseminate. Anyone wants to get one; I will send my disk to him quickly. If people asking for the disk are becoming more and more , you can copy it from each other or you can visit My Web(www.tuyelt.com)and download directly yourself, which is easier and quicker and you are welcome to do so. Here, I am quoting a saying “登泰山而小天下”, in English it means that a person who had been standing at the peak of Mount Taishan, then he knew the world was little and tiny, and I will talk more on following Field for Artificial Soil Technology.

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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