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F-079 土业园地 (第079期) 2010.12.20
Field for Artificial Soil TechnologyAST(№079)
作者:李鹏飞 AuthorLi Pengfei December 20, 2010
My Web:www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number:13043864167

Probe the problem of urbanization with Chinese characteristics

    也许我们要进行一项重大的社会改革,即建立“社会生活共同体”的设想。因为人造土壤技术使得人与人之间的关系更加紧密,形成了一个不可分离的整体,所以建立“社会生活共同体”不仅仅是可能的,而且是完全必要的。社会生活共同体由两部分组成,一部分是传统的城市,另一部分是新式的“集体山庄” 即广义的广大农村。就中国而论,大约有一半的人口住在城市里,而另一半的人口住在集体山庄里。前一半的人口在城里主要搞工业、科研和教育,而后一半的人口住在农村主要搞吃的,休养生息。这种思路打破了现代社会,大城市无限膨胀的常规,中国人走的是另外的发展模式,使我们的城乡人口大约各占50%。


Probe the problem of urbanization with Chinese characteristics

    Perhaps we should conduct an important social reform, i.e. creating “the social life community”. Because of popularization of artificial soil technology, the ties between people will be becoming closer and people will form the inseparable society. So it will be possible and necessary to create the social life community. The social life community should consist of two parts. One is traditional cities and the other is the collective mountainous villages or the vast countryside. Let’s say in China, about half people live in the cities and the others live in the new collective mountainous villages. The task of the former will be producing industrial products and carrying out scientific activities and education and so on, but the latter in vast rural areas will be producing agricultural products and resting and building up strength. This concept has broken the conventional concept that big cities in modern society are expanding endlessly. Chinese people will take another road to realize urbanization with urban population and rural population kept separately at about 50%.
    People will live harmoniously and equally in the social life community. Through adjusting functions of the social life community, the differences between urban and rural areas as well as the rich and the poor will be controlled at reasonable range. Meanwhile the whole people will enjoy free medical treatment and free education and social insurance as well as endowment insurance. Especially, the community will supply free grain and lower rental houses for widowers, widows, orphans, childless, disabled persons, helpless women and children. Even foreign people can be allowed to settle in Chinese social life community as the new members to do peaceful labor work. As our economy will be developing and science and technology will be progressing, the community will be changing better and better (see also F-076). This is my academic idea to probe the problem of urbanization with Chinese characteristics.

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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