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F-084 土业园地 (第 084 期) 2011.1.24
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 084 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei January 24, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Program of concrete design of ACL
    人造耕地设计包括两个部分,第一部分是土壤剖面设计,第二部分是人造耕地场地设计。     国际土壤学会正式提出,标准的土壤剖面划分为:有机质层﹙ O ﹚、腐殖质层﹙ A ﹚、淋溶层﹙ E ﹚、淀积层﹙ B ﹚、母质层﹙ C ﹚、母岩层﹙ R ﹚。对于农作物生长发育而言,关系密切的是有机质层﹙ O ﹚和腐殖质层﹙ A ﹚。一般的讲,人造耕地的主要目的是种庄稼,是生产粮食,因此人造耕地只设计耕作层就可以了,相当于标准土壤剖面的有机质层﹙ O ﹚和腐殖质层﹙ A ﹚。然后,再根据种植的农作物不同,选择不同类型和不同质量标准的人造土壤。
    对于耕作层的设计,我们可以考照东北平原黑土地的质量标准。东北平原黑土厚度 30 -60 厘米 ,最厚 100 -130 厘米 ,呈微酸性至中性反应,有机质含量可达 5-10 ﹪。黑土的表层结构良好,通气 、透水、耕性好、适耕期长。底层粘性较大,托水保肥。
Program of concrete design of ACL

The design of ACL includes two parts: one the design of the soil profile and the other the design of the worksite of ACL.
It has been officially proposed by the International Association of Soil Science that the standard profile of soil should include: dirt bed(A-horizon) (0) , humus layer (A), eluviate layer(E), illuvial layer(horizon B) (B), parent material (horizon C)(C) and bedding course ( R ) . In terms of the growth of crops, the most related layers include the dirt bed (A-horizon) (0) and humus layer (A).Generally speaking, the purpose of ACL is to grow crops and produce grain, so it is only necessary to design the cultivation layer, i.e. the dirt bed (A-horizon) (0) and humus layer (A) in the standard profile of soil. Then according to the crops to be planted, artificial soil of different kinds and qualities is selected.
As for the design of the cultivation layer, we can refer to the quality standards of the black soil in the northeastern plain in China . The black soil in the northeastern plain is 30-60 cm thick with the max. of 100-130 cm. It is slightly acid to neutral with the content of organic material up to 5-10%. The surface layer of the black soil is well-structured, air and water-permeable and easy to cultivate. The black soil can be used for a long time with relatively greater viscosity at its bottom layer to preserve water and fertilizer.
Many factors need be taken into consideration when the engineering agricultural technique is used to design the sites of ACL, such as prevention of salinization of soil, water-saving cultivation, prevention of soil erosion, ensuring pollination, prevention of droughts and floods as well as plant diseases and insect pests and so on.

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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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