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F-092 土业园地 (第 092 期) 2011.3.21
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 092 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei March 21, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
Holographic Idea of Environmental Protection ﹙ HIEP ﹚
    我国的环境治理在局部有一定成效,但整体的态势仍在恶化。它对我国经济与社会发展的制约越来越严重,这已经成为人们的共识。我的环保理念,即全息环保理念是把人造土壤技术应用于环保中,应用一项技术把导致我国环境破坏的 9 个因素一揽子解决。我认为,人类的活动虽然把我们的地球破坏得百孔千疮,这是事实。但是人类也同样有能力恢复地球本来的自然面貌。只要我们能按着土业学术思想坚定地走下去,自然环境的恢复与保护就是一个自然而然的结果,而不是一个要刻意追求的目标。
Holographic Idea of Environmental Protection ﹙ HIEP ﹚
Environmental control in China has worked effectively in some local areas, but the overall situation is still deteriorating, seriously prohibiting the economic and social development of China , which has become the common knowledge of the Chinese people. My idea of environmental protection, i.e. the holographic idea of environmental protection is to use the artificial soil technology in environmental protection and solve the nine problems causing damage to the environment with one technology in China . As far as I think, the earth has been greatly damaged by human activities, which is a fact; yet, human beings have the ability to restore the earth to its original state. As long as we stick to the soil academic idea, the restoration and protection of the natural environment will be a natural outcome instead of a sought-after end.
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