土业园地 → 欢迎下载欣赏(更新时间:2014年6月19日)
F-097 土业园地 (第 097 期) 2011.4.25
Field for Artificial Soil Technology AST (№ 097 )
作者:李鹏飞 Author Li Pengfei April 25, 2011
My Web : www.tuyelt.com Telephone Number : 13043864167
My academic idea that the land resources are not limited
    土壤是自然界的产物,它是由 5 个自然成土因素,即成土母质、气候、生物、地形和时间,长期相互作用的结果。在自然界,从坚硬的岩石变成肥沃的土地,是一个极其漫长而复杂的过程。因此,在正统的观念中,普遍认为“土地资源是有限的”,这似乎没有任何疑义。
    根据人造土壤机制,按照人造土壤技术工艺流程,人类可以在工厂条件下,大规模高速度地制造土壤,因此能在极短的时间内,把坚硬的岩石变成肥沃的土壤。这种人工制造的“土壤”具有土壤的本质特征 — 肥力,它完全能满足植物生长所需的基本条件。
My academic idea that the land resources are not limited
Soil is the product of the nature and it is the result of long term interaction among the five pedogenetic factors, i.e. soil parent material, climate, creatures, landscape and time. In the nature, it is a long and complicated process for hard rock to turn into fertile soil. In the normal concept, it is generally believed that “ the land resources are limited ” , which seems undoubtful.
According to the artificial soil mechanism and the process of artificial soil technology, soil can be made in large scale and at fast speed in factory conditions, so hard rocks can be turned into fertile soil in a short time. This man-made soil has the essential feature of soil----fertility, so it can meet the basic conditions necessary for crops to grow.
Because of the artificial soil mechanism, the time for soil development can be shortened from tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years to several years or several months. In this sense, I think “ the land resources are not limited ” , which is contrary to the traditional idea of “ the land resources are limited ” .
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人造土壤技术专利 发明人:李鹏飞  联系电话:13043864167
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